Thursday, January 10, 2008

A New Year and a New Baby!

Hey everyone, here I am starting a blog for this New Year! I guess you could call this some kind of New Years Resolution, well...... keeping it up to date could be a good resolution! ;) I hope everyone had a great Christmas and that Santa gave you all that you wished for! Spencer and I got a belated Christmas gift when we found out we were going to have another little baby a few days ago! We are super excited to give Sophia a little brother or sister! I'm already anxious to find out what it is! Funny thing is that its going to be another September baby! I'm excited to pick out more cute names and clothes......I'm secretly hoping for a boy, but I will be happy either way as long as its healthy!


Jennie said...

Heidi your blog looks great so far, um just go to your dash board and then go to adding other people and you will be able to figure it out.

Erin said...

congrats! seriously. lucky you...2 kids! how fun! im glad you have a blog so i can keep more up to date with you!

chelsmi said...

My cousin Bailey is friends with Jennie and while reading her blog I ran into Jennie's and found you! I am so excited that you have started a blog. Kenny and I started one too although we are really bad at posting but check it out anyway. Sophia is beautiful! How fun to be pregnant again and I hope everything is going well.
Chelsea Smith