Monday, September 1, 2008

Are you KIDDING me!

I have to say, I have NEVER been so frustrated, anxious, and impatient all at the same time! I know I'm not like some women who go over their due date (lets wait and see) but I'm going to be 39 weeks this coming Friday and I've been prepared to have this baby since I did the whole preterm labor thing at 34 weeks!

I dont know what this little guy is thinking! I'm convincing myself (for my sanity) that he's waiting a little longer because he's hanging out with his little girl cousin in heaven (Ben and Megans) and having SO much fun that he can't stand to head down here and leave her! Right?!

Wish me luck that this is the week! But lets skip over Wednesday which is Sophis birthday, I'd feel bad if they had to share the same date.


Michelle said...

ha ha ha ... looks like you jinxed yourself with the birthday thing.

i'm glad he finally made it though!!!

Megan Bartlett said...

Awwww! What a sweet thought! I'm sure Cash and our little girl were BFF and having a BALL in Heaven...that's why he was driving you crazy! Now that he's come on down, maybe she'll be quicker to follow!